Minor in Possession (MIP)

MIP Defense Lawyer Grand Rapids, MI
What a MIP Charge Means for a Teenager
What a MIP Charge Means for a Teenager 600 450 Criminal Defense Attorney | Defense Attorney Grand Rapids, MI | Jerry Lykins Law

Teenagers don’t always make the best choices. Learning right from wrong is just part of growing up. Unfortunately, some of these poor choices can come with hefty consequences. When dealing with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, many teenagers are unaware of the impact their actions may have on their futures. If you or a loved one…

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What is Punishment for Minor in Possession? Attorney Grand Rapids, MI
What is the Punishment for Minor in Possession?
What is the Punishment for Minor in Possession? 600 450 Criminal Defense Attorney | Defense Attorney Grand Rapids, MI | Jerry Lykins Law

We all hope that our children make good choices. Unfortunately, the high school and college years are filled with opportunities to get in trouble. If your child has a minor in possession (MIP) charge, your first step should be to call our criminal defense attorney. Our minor in possession attorney can help secure the best…

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