5 Reasons to Hire an Experienced Domestic Violence (DV) attorney
5 Reasons to Hire an Experienced Domestic Violence (DV) attorney https://www.lykinslawplc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/9097-2.jpg 600 400 Criminal Defense Attorney | Defense Attorney Grand Rapids, MI | Jerry Lykins Law Criminal Defense Attorney | Defense Attorney Grand Rapids, MI | Jerry Lykins Law https://www.lykinslawplc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/9097-2.jpg
- A DV attorney is familiar with the things to do and not to do after a person is charged with a Domestic Violence offense and is facing the court system. People can find themselves in big trouble with judges for not complying with court orders after they are released from jail. There are many things to know but here are the biggest – No contact with the victim until cleared by the court, no alcohol or drugs possession or use and do not panic often times you will have options to resolve your case. Violate any of these conditions of release and a judge could send you back to jail.
- A DV attorney knows the court system, the prosecutors, the judges and probation staff. A seasoned attorney can prepare you and help navigate your case through the system in a manner that will reduce stress and anxiety in your life. This can be huge if you are trying to continue to support your family and work.
- A DV attorney knows possible defenses that may exist to either mitigate the charge or have it dismissed. Whether a claim of self-defense or some other factual defense, a DV attorney is best suited to advance this to both the prosecutor and the court.
- A DV attorney knows possible defenses that may exist to either mitigate the charge or have it dismissed. Whether a claim of self-defense or some other factual defense, a DV attorney is best suited to advance this to both the prosecutor and the court.
- A DV attorney knows possible legal ways to resolve a case without going to a trial. Under current Michigan law, MCL 769.4a allows for a person to accept responsibility for his or her actions without having a conviction. This essentially gives the person a chance to avoid a conviction and the possible harsh consequences of a conviction on their record.
- A DV attorney can prepare you in advance to reduce punishments and probation. Depending on the individual judge, a best domestic violence lawyer can advise you in advance of things to do to demonstrate to the court that you are addressing the issue that brought you into contact with the system and then successfully advocate for a lesser sentence and term of probation.